Richard’s Story of Hope

If you had met me seven years ago you wouldn’t have liked me. I was a stubborn, selfish, self-centered manipulator. I didn’t start off that way. My grandmother and mother taught me some good morals. I was a Steamfitter Mechanic.

But my grandmother and mother died a few weeks apart and I became depressed. I no longer cared about anything or anybody. I turned to drugs and alcohol. After a few years I lost my job, my house , my wife, and two beautiful daughters. I no longer paid my taxes, I had very bad credit. I became homeless; living on the streets; selling and using drugs.

Eventually I was arrested, and the night before I was to be sentenced, I wrote about my life, from when I was a child until the day that I was to enter the courtroom. I gave it to the DA and he said he wanted to change everything that he had planned for me.

Somehow, the DA convinced the Judge to give me a second chance. The Judge said, “Richard, someone must be looking out for you today because we are going to change your sentencing to three years probation.” The Judge sent me to Harbor Lights. That’s where I began my recovery. From there, a lady suggested that I look into Samaritan Inns. When I went to apply, Jesse Washington, the SRO Director, told me that I had to have a job that paid me enough to pay the rent. Again, someone was looking out for me. That same day I was offered a job.

At Samaritan Inns, I was able to re-connect with my family; I learned how to pre-plan my day; I learned that I could be a useful citizen again, a tax payer. They helped me to re-establish my credit. I learned that I could be open to others and be productive once again. They gave me direction in a safe environment, they helped me to understand that I could take small steps to reach a bigger goal, and for this I am truly grateful.

Today, I am once again a Steamfitter Mechanic, an Independent Contractor. I’m happily engaged to Theresa, who I met while at Samaritan Inns. We moved out together and are now homeowners. I owe my recovery to the Lord our Savior; Thaddeus McRae, the Community builder; to Wayne Saunders, my AA Sponsor; and Samaritan Inns.

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The story of how Richard reclaimed hope for his life and inspires others to do the same.

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